5 Best Databases for Node.js Applications decoded

Last Updated
April 24, 2024
5 Best Databases for Node.js Applications decoded

Almost 6.3 million websites use Node.js, which is a cross-platform and open-source JavaScript runtime environment. It forms the foundation of some of the most famous online platforms like Netflix, Spotify, and Twitter. Before you start development on any project, you need to choose the best database for a Node.js project. 

Typically, it supports all sorts of databases like SQL and NoSQL. It would be best if you chose the database, based on the complexity of the app that you are trying to develop and the goal. Here you can discover some SQL and NoSQL databases, with some examples. Looking for the best database for node.js is crucial for your projects. 

Before you proceed, you have to understand the clear distinction between SQL, NoSQL, and other databases. 

SQL Vs NoSQL Vs Realtime Databases

SQL, which is a structured query language, is a programming language that allows technical and non-technical users to manipulate, query, and transform data. It is arranged in columns and rows and uses the relational model. 

In an SQL database, the tables of data are linked through ‘foreign keys’. You can scale such databases vertically, by adding storage components like RAM and SSD. SQL databases are dependent on the resources available on the server, cloud storage, or any other available technology. Some of the examples are MySQL and PostgreSQL.

NoSQL on the other hand, is non-relational. They store data in other formats, as against the tabular data of SQL databases. NoSQL databases are used for structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. You do not need to follow a fixed schema, but instead follow a flexible structure to facilitate different kinds of data types. Such databases may or may not have query languages. You can scale such databases horizontally. Examples include Cassandra and Neo4j. 

Moving on, you may also come across a third type of database, called Realtime database. These provide real-time synchronization and also facilitate updates between the server and clients. Such databases are good for real-time collaboration, interaction, and communication. Some examples include Firebase and Couchbase. 

Factors To Consider While Choosing Databases For Node.js

like you check factors before choosing the best programming language for app you should also check few factors before choosing a database for Node.js application. You can consider to hire node.js developer for your application who can also work on your database.

  • Data Structure And Query Requirements – You have to consider the kind of data your app will deal with. Moreover, you also need to ascertain the type of queries that your app will perform. 
  • Performance and Scalability – You must find out how well the database handles simultaneous requests and data streams. Moreover, you have got to check the scalability. 
  • Ease of Installation – You must check how fast the database can be installed. It saves time in the development process. 
  • Community Support - A strong community backing with libraries, tutorials and support can help developers work without any time loss. 

5 Best Databases For Node.js


This is ideal for quick data processing. It is one of the most popular, open-source databases that store data in tables with defined schemas. You can use it for e-commerce and web development. Moreover, this database can support a wide variety of functions that are crucial for web development and e-commerce. In 2022, 46.85% of interviewed software developers reported using MySQL.


  • It is easy to set up and use. 
  • The high availability and fault tolerance capability help with replication and backup. 
  • It is also very compatible with various platforms such as Windows, Linux, Java, and PHP. 


  • Its scalability is limited. It mainly supports vertical scaling. When you have to handle large amounts of data, it may fall flat. Moreover, it will lead to high costs and downtimes, as well. 
  • It also lacks many of the advanced features that are crucial for app development today. It does not support full-text search, materialized views, as well as inheritance. It also fails to support ACID properties. 
  • MySQL is also prone to SQL injection. You may also face issues like denial-of-service and brute-force attacks which can manipulate and compromise database servers.

MySQL is used to develop web applications like Facebook, YouTube, and Wikipedia. Blogging platforms like Drupal and WordPress also use it.


It is amongst the most powerful databases for Node.js. Moreover, it supports numerous SQL and advanced features. You can handle data related to JSON, geospatial data, and more. If you are developing something along the lines of data analytics and geospatial applications. This advanced relational database supports both SQL and non-relational queries. Moreover, it is free. 


  • It performs quite great and comes with various optimization techniques, like indexing, caching, and query planning. 
  • It also comes with a bevy of rich features, like foreign data wrappers, triggers, and stored procedures. 
  • It comes with detailed documentation that covers most aspects of the database system, like installation, configuration, and administration development. You can access the documentation offline and online in multiple languages. 
  • It also has a large community, which can help you to get support and answer your queries whenever required. 


  • Its installation process is complex and has many different dependencies. You may also require a few additional tools like pgAdmin. 
  • It also has very limited horizontal scalability. The reason is that it does not support native sharding and clustering. 

It is a popular choice for companies that need data analytics and deal with large amounts of data, like business intelligence and data warehousing. It is also applicable in geospatial fields. 


It is a lightweight and portable database. It is mainly a database engine written in C language. You can also call it an extensive software library that facilitates self-contained and zero-configuration. You do not need a server or any sort of configuration to work on it. This transactional database supports different SQL features and advanced features as well. 


  • It is lightweight as already stated. It is portable and has a minimal footprint. 
  • You can run it on a wide variety of platforms and languages. 
  • It is self-contained and self-sufficient, and so you do not need any external components or services. 
  • You can learn it very easily, through the libraries available online. 


  • It can be used to handle low to medium-traffic HTTP requests. 
  • The database size is 2 GB at a maximum. 

SQLite is an embedded database system, which does not require a separate server. Its database is available as a single file on the disk, which anyone can move or copy. You can also use it in performing integration testing and unit testing. Moreover, it can populate results from mock data quickly. PHP units and RSpec use it for testing. 

Firebase Realtime Database

Also called RTDB, it is a cloud-hosted, NoSQL database that syncs data in real-time, across multiple databases. Firebase is the service provider, which is basically a BaaS. You can use it for both mobile apps and web apps. It helps in real-time communication and collaborations for apps related to real-time chat, online games, and collaboration tools. 


  • It can be installed very easily Moreover, it comes with simple APIs, SDKs, and libraries. 
  • It can sync data across various devices in real time. This means that if you make any changes to the data on one device, it is replicated on the others at the same moment. 
  • It uses WebSocket protocol and a JSON-like format to sync data in real time. 
  • You can avail yourself of offline support, along with its local data syncing capabilities, online. 


  • The pricing may be unreasonable and costly. 
  • The database has very limited querying functionalities. 
  • The security rules are very complex and pose a hindrance. 

Most real-time chat apps use it, to store and sync chat data. Online gaming also thrives due to its presence, as it can handle game logic, state, as well as data. It also facilitates collaboration in editing, versioning, and access control. 


It is an open-source database that uses a distributed NoSQL architecture. It is a highly available and reliable database, which is managed by Apache. This distributed database management system is built to handle large amounts of data across different cloud servers. 


  • Its open-source nature is the first draw, which also makes its usage profitable. This is one of the primary factors behind its success. 
  • Its well-distributed footprint is meant to run over many nodes as against a central system. The database runs on multiple nodes, so there are no bottlenecks in the process. Losing one node will not affect the working capacity of another. 
  • It has elastic scalability. This means that you can scale it up and down, according to need. 
  • It has data replication features that help in fault tolerance. 


  • It is not relational, and so it does not require a standard query language. It uses Cassandra Query Language. One may have to master a new language to set it up. 
  • It is a schema-based language, which makes it rigid. 
  • It does not have any official documentation, which makes it risky. One has to get the documents from third parties. 
  • Latency issues are common while managing a large amount of data. 
  • It stores similar data multiple times, which leads to Java Memory Model issues.

It is widely used in the e-commerce industry, for entertainment websites, and in fraud detection. 


These are the top five databases you can consider with Node.js. Now, you can make the choice and select one database, according to the project requirements. Some developers like to use SQL-based databases and few like NoSQL-based ones. It can be a matter of likeness and habit. Always collaborate with a reliable firm for your project.